Military Diet for Weight Loss Vegetarian

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At Dietburrp, we have been bringing various foreign origin weight loss diets in Indian versions. Our readers were really looking forward to the Indian Version of Military Diet. So here we are, Please read on to take benefit from this Indian Version of Military Diet.

Indian Version of military diet

What is the Indian Version of Military Diet

  • The military diet is a low-calorie weight loss diet that promotes significant weight loss in just one week. It claims to lose up to 4 – 5 kgs in a week.
  • The military diet is actually split into 2 phases over a week's period.
  • For the first 3 days, you follow a set low-calorie meal plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There are no snacks between meals.
  • Total calorie intake during these 3 days is less than approximately 1,000 calories per day.
  • For the remaining 4 days of the week, eat about 1,200 – 1,400 calories per day with minimum restrictions of food. But take care not to go beyond the stipulated caloric range.

Should I follow the Indian Version of Military Diet or should I not?

There is a constant desire to fit into "that" dress or jacket. We often take up crash dieting or starve ourselves for a perfect look. There are a list of diets that claim fast results. But then again our mind gets into a dilemma. Should I follow this diet or that? Is it safe? How many kilos will I lose? But I need to fit into the dress ASAP. I want to go organic! Oh!! But I am a vegetarian. Then, we all turn to our virtual god and keep searching for the diet that will work for me.

Indian Version of Military Diet

The Indian Version of Military Diet is one such diet, that you will come up with results of "diets for weight loss". Before blindly following anything, it is advisable to know about the diet completely. Weigh all positives and negatives and then plunge to take up any diet challenges.

Indian Version of Military Diet

Here is a sample menu for the Indian Version of Military Diet.

Day 1

Breakfast –

1 serving fruit (100 gms)  +
Whole grain bread slice 1 nos. with 2 tablespoon peanut butter +
Black coffee or tea 1 cup (no sugar, milk)

Lunch –

Tuna ½ cup +
Whole wheat bread slice 1 no. +
Coffee or tea 1 cup (No sugar, No milk)

Dinner –

Meat or chicken – 100 gms +
Vegetable 1 cup +
Fruit 1 – 1 ½ serving + vanilla ice cream 1 scoop

Day 2

Breakfast –

1 serving fruit (100 gms) +
Whole grain bread slice 1 nos. or crackers 5 nos. +
Hard-boiled egg 1 nos.

Lunch –

Paneer 50 gm or cheddar cheese slice 1 no. +
Whole wheat bread slice 1 nos. or crackers 5 nos. +
Hard-boiled egg 1 nos.

Dinner –

Hot Dog 100 gms (no bun) OR 100 gms of minced or ground meat ( choose any low fat receipe) +
Vegetable 1 – 1 ½ serving +
Fruit ½ -1 serving +
Vanilla ice cream ½ scoop

Day 3

Breakfast –

1 serving fruit (100 gms) +
Whole grain bread slice 1 nos. or whole wheat crackers 5 nos.+
Cheddar cheese 1 slice

Lunch –

Hard-boiled egg +
Whole wheat bread slice 1 no.

Dinner –

Tuna fish 1 cup Or Tofu – 50 gms
Banana ½
Vanilla ice cream ½ scoop

Vegetarian or Vegan Indian Version of Military Diet

Indian version of military diet

For a vegetarian or vegan military diet, replace the tuna, meat, and eggs with your preferred protein source: dals, pulses, sprouts, paneer, nuts or tofu. You can replace fruit or vegetables with any other similar nutrient content fruit or vegetables.

Why the Military diet is so popular?

  • Calorie restriction leads to a calorie deficit in the body. Thus, stored fat is used as fuel and you experience weight loss.
  • Intermittent fasting throughout the day can increase insulin sensitivity and may control blood sugars.
  • High protein, calcium, and fiber in the military diet increase the fat-burning metabolism.
  • No burden of additional nutrient supplements.

Indian version of military diet

Here are some interesting articles that work on the same lines –

  • Intermittent fasting diet for weight loss
  • How to increase metabolism for weight loss
  • Burning fat for weight loss

How Reliable is the Indian Version of Military Diet?

For an average person, a short term military diet will not do any harm. However, if it is followed for a few weeks, there is a risk of nutrient deficiencies. The case worsens if fruits and vegetables are neglected for a long time. Additionally, eating crackers and ice cream every week has negative effects on metabolic issues.

It doesn't require long-term habit changes. It is solely dependent on willpower for a short span. As the diet is followed for a short period of time, the results can also be temporary if not followed by a restrictive diet which gives 1200 calories.

Review of literature for Indian Version of Military diet

  • There have been no studies on the military diet. However, the average person might lose a few kilos due to the week-long calorie restriction. Less caloric intake means less fat deposition in the body. Thus, you lose weight.
  • This diet is said to increase your metabolism and burn fat, but there is no written literature for these claims.
  • Coffee and green tea does contain compounds that can slightly increase metabolism, but again lacks on paper evidence.
  • Foods are high in protein boost metabolism more than other foods.
  • The military diet can help lose weight only because it is calorie-restricted. However, it has no special advantage that makes it more effective than other low-calorie diets.

What exactly are you losing?

indian version of Military diet

When a person is overweight or obese, they have a big range between original weight and ideal weight. Thus, the rate of weight loss in such people with calorie restriction is fast. In reality, most of the weight loss is due to loss of water, not fat.

With carbohydrates and calorie restriction, there is less glycogen store and low body muscle mass. With the decline in the body's glycogen stores, the body water drops quickly.

The scale will show the desired result, but at the cost of muscle and water loss. Such crash weight loss will lead to weight gain once you start with a normal eating pattern.

Hence effective weight loss will require a better strategy to work on the long run and keep you healthy permanently. here is how you can lose weight effectively (10 – 15 kgs ).


The Indian version of the military diet is likely safe for healthy people. If you want temporary and fast weight loss, a military diet may work. Continuous following of the military diet might lead to some nutrient deficiencies. It probably does not lead to lasting weight loss. If you want permanent maintenance of ideal weight, then follow clinically proven methods to reduce weight. Stick to a healthy eating lifestyle and you'll definitely be able to maintain your weight.

RD, Payal Banka (Registered Dietitian)

Payal(पायल) is a Registered Dietitian with 15 years of experience. She is a Professional Blogger, Author, and a Youtuber. She is an MBA in Health care and Hospital management. Payal believes in healthy living. Here at Dietburrp, you will find her talking about health, weight loss, fitness, parenting, healthy cooking and how to keep yourself motivated to be healthy.

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Military Diet for Weight Loss Vegetarian


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